REITs invest in the majority of real estate property types, including offices, apartment buildings, warehouses, retail centers, medical facilities, data centers, cell towers and hotels.
The REIT Industry Sustainability Report 2024 includes industry trends, REIT sustainability reporting data and analysis, as well as useful information on the publicly traded U.S. REIT industry’s primary sustainability, social responsibility, and governance practices.
CEM Benchmarking’s 2024 study also reveals allocations, returns, volatility, and risk-adjusted performance of 12 asset classes over 25-year period.
As transactions increase, REITs are expected to be better-positioned than some of their competitors to make acquisitions and benefit from accretive growth.
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For 60 years, Nareit has led the U.S. REIT industry by ensuring its members’ best interests are promoted by providing unparalleled advocacy, investor outreach, continuing education and networking.
Investors are increasingly evaluating companies based on specific environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and good corporate governance-related criteria and the subset focused on “responsible investments” continues to grow.
The first complete quarterly measure of the U.S. listed REIT industry’s operating and dividend performance.
When assessing the outlook for REITs and commercial real estate in 2022 and beyond, it is helpful to distinguish between impermanent or cyclical effects and the longer-term structural changes that result from changes in behavior.
Are REITs underrepresented in your clients' portfolios? Commercial real estate represents 16% of the U.S. investment market.
New NAREIT-sponsored research from Wilshire Funds Management shows that adding a range of high income-producing assets, including REITs, to a traditional retirement-stage portfolio would have boosted income returns by nearly 40 percent.
Advanced portfolio modelling technique using 40 years of investment return data increased allocations to REITs, high-yield bonds and preferred stocks in optimized portfolios.
The REIT ESG Dashboard©, now in its sixth year, identifies and tracks data associated with the management and supplemental disclosure of environmental stewardship and social responsibility key performance indicators (KPIs) for the U.S. REIT industry.
Nareit supports and promotes the REIT industry’s adoption of sustainability principles by providing resources for industry stakeholders and disseminating information about oversight, management, tracking, and reporting.
As we look ahead to the second half of 2024, the economic and commercial real estate environment will be shaped by the higher interest rate environment and the continued rapid digitalization of economic activity.