REITWatch is a monthly statistical publication intended to provide a snapshot of the REIT industry. It includes data derived from the FTSE Nareit U.S. Real Estate Index Series and the FTSE/EPRA Nareit Global Real Estate Index Series in addition to tracking the performance of individual REITs.
REITs Continue to Offer Good Value to Real Estate Investors
The lingering public-private real estate valuation divergence has been disruptive, but it continues to offer potential buying opportunities for investors.
Going, Going, Not Gone: Public-Private Real Estate Valuation Divergence Continues
Although the lingering CRE valuation divergence has been disruptive, it has created opportunities for investors and benefited REITs.
REITs Play Integral Role in Target-Date Funds at Every Stage of Retirement Savings
The growing use of target-date funds (TDFs) remains the dominant investment-related trend in the defined contribution and individual retirement account markets, and REITs continued to be a critical component of TDFs in 2024.
Global Real Estate Outperformed Stocks in February
The FTSE EPRA Nareit Developed Extended Index rose 2.8% in February and was up 4.6% on a year-to-date basis at month-end.
Real Estate Supply-Demand Imbalances Seeking Equilibriums
Space market fundamentals can differ markedly across property types
Property Fundamentals Showing Signs of Stabilization
While today’s property market tends to be characterized by supply–demand imbalances, declining/low occupancy rates, and moderating/low rental growth rates, signs of stabilizing fundamentals have started to percolate.
Digital, Health Care Led in Q4 2024 Actively Managed Real Estate Fund Tracker
Nareit tracks quarterly investment holdings for the largest actively managed real estate investment funds focusing on REIT investment for insights into expert investor sentiment.
The Changing Relationship Between REIT Performance and U.S. 10-Year Treasury Yields
While publicly traded equity REIT performance has recently been exhibiting an inverse relationship with U.S. 10-year Treasury yield movements, this has not always been the case.