REIT total returns were positive in the third quarter of 2024, with all equity REITs and mortgage REITs up by 16.8% and 9.6%, respectively. REIT performance was mixed in October and November of 2024. The FTSE All Equity REIT Index posted a loss of 3.6% in October 2024; the index was up 3.6% in November 2024. Mortgage REITs posted a loss of 5.5% in October 2024 and a gain of 3.9% in November. REITs also continue to offer attractive dividends. As of November 2024, all equity and mortgage REITs offered dividends of 3.6% and 11.7%, respectively.
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- Footnotes
- 1Source: FactSet, FTSE Nareit US, FTSE EPRA/Nareit Global
- 2Source: Nareit T-Tracker®, except where noted. Operational Performance is dollar weighted from the FTSE Nareit All Equity REITs index.
- 3YTD % change
- 4Source: Green Street Advisors All REIT Premium to NAV
- 5Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis GDP report and Bureau of Labor Statistics Employment and CPI reports