Adoption of IFRS
Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
- Nareit SFO Report: Accounting and Financial Standards Update Fall 2013 – 9/27/13
- Nareit & U.S. Chamber of Commerce Request the FASB and IASB to Rededicate Themselves to the Convergence of Global Financial Standards - 10/10/12
- Nareit SFO Report – FASB Abandons Entity-Based Approach to Investment Property - 8/10/12
- Nareit SFO Report – Standard Setting Update: FASB/IASB Decisions from the July 2012 Joint Meetings - 8/1/12
- SEC Staff Published the Final Report on Work Plan for Global Accounting Standards - 7/13/12
- Nareit SFO Report: Summer 2012 Accounting and Financial Standards Update - 6/25/12
- Nareit SFO Report: FASB/IASB Decisions from the July 2011 Joint Meetings - 8/11/11
- Nareit & U.S. Chamber of Commerce Comment on the SEC’s Staff Paper on a Possible Method of Incorporating IFRS in the U.S. Financial Reporting System - 7/29/11
- Nareit & U.S. Chamber of Commerce Welcome New IASB Chairman - 7/29/11
- Nareit & U.S. Chamber of Commerce Provide Suggestions to G-20 to Enhance Global Financial Standards Development - 7/29/11
- SEC Staff Published a Comparison of U.S. GAAP and IFRS - 11/16/11
- SEC Staff Published an Analysis of IFRS in Practice - 11/16/11
- SEC Staff published Exploring a Possible Method of Incorporation - 5/26/11
- REESA Responds to FASB/IASB Request for Feedback on Effective Dates and Transition Methods for Convergence Projects - 1/31/11
- SEC Staff published A Progress Report on SEC Work Plan - 10/29/10
- Nareit SFO Report: SEC Provides Status on IFRS Roadmap - 12/23/09
- Nareit SFO Report: SEC to Focus on Decision to Adopt IFRS in the U.S. - 10/29/09
- Nareit Comments on SEC's Proposal: Roadmap for the Potential Use of Financial Statements Prepared in Accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards by U.S. Issuers - 4/20/09
- SEC Proposed Roadmap Toward the Adoption of IFRS - 2/3/09
Investment Companies
- Nareit SFO Alert: FASB Drops Investment Companies Project on REITs and Sets Future Agenda Priorities - 2/4/14
- Nareit SFO Alert: FASB Agrees to Exempt All REITs from Phase I of the Investment Companies Project - 12/12/12
- Nareit SFO Alert: FASB Tentatively Eliminates REIT Exception for Mortgage REITs from Investment Companies Guidance - 9/5/12
- Nareit SFO Report: Standard Setting Update: FASB/IASB Decisions from the July 2012 Joint Meetings - 8/1/12
- Nareit SFO Report: Summer 2012 Accounting and Financial Standards Update - 6/25/12
- Nareit SFO Report: Winter 2012 Accounting & Financial Standards Update - 2/27/12
- Nareit Comment Letter to the FASB on the FASB's Investment Companies Proposed Accounting Standards Update - 2/15/12
- Nareit FirstBrief: FASB Aligns and Extends the Comment Letter Deadline for Investment Companies, Investment Property Entities and Consolidation Proposals - 12/9/11
- National Real Estate Organizations' Letter to FASB Requesting the Alignment and Extension of the Comment Letter Deadlines for the Investment Property Entities, Investment Companies and Consolidation Proposed Accounting Standards Updates - 12/2/11
- Nareit Letter to FASB Requesting the Alignment and Extension of the Comment Letter Deadlines for the Investment Property Entities, Investment Companies and Consolidation Proposed Accounting Standards Updates - 12/1/11
- Nareit SFO Alert: FASB Issues Exposure Drafts on Investment Property Entities and Investment Companies - 10/24/11
Reporting Investment Property at Fair Value
In previous years, the FASB considered whether to provide an option to report investment property at fair value in the context of the Board’s Fair Value Option – Phase 2 project. The information provided below includes background information on this issue including Nareit's letter to the FASB. Although the FASB removed this project from its current agenda, the reporting of investment property at fair value may resurface in connection with the potential mandatory IFRS adoption in the U.S. beginning in 2014.
- Nareit SFO Alert: FASB Drops Investment Companies Project on REITs and Sets Future Agenda Priorities – 2/4/14
- Nareit SFO Alert: FASB Agrees to Exempt All REITs from Phase I of the Investment Companies Project - 12/12/12
- Nareit SFO Report – FASB Abandons Entity-Based Approach to Investment Property - 8/10/12
- Nareit SFO Report – Standard Setting Update: FASB/IASB Decisions from the July 2012 Joint Meetings - 8/1/12
- Nareit SFO Report: Summer 2012 Accounting and Financial Standards Update - 6/25/12
- Nareit SFO Alert: FASB and IASB Decouple Lease Accounting and Reporting for Investment Property - 6/14/2012
- Nareit Comment Letter to the FASB on the FASB's Investment Property Entities Proposed Accounting Standards Update - 2/15/12
- Nareit Comment Letter to the FASB on the FASB's Investment Companies Proposed Accounting Standards Update - 2/15/12
- REESA Comments on FASB's Investment Companies Proposal (Resubmission) - 2/13/12
- REESA Comments on FASB's Investment Property Entities Proposal (Resubmission) - 2/13/12
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce Comment Letter to the FASB on the FASB's Investment Companies and Investment Property Entities Proposed Accounting Standards Updates - 2/8/12
- REESA Letter to the IASB in Response to the IASB's Request for Input on Its Agenda Consultation - 12/13/11
- Nareit FirstBrief: FASB Aligns and Extends the Comment Letter Deadline for Investment Companies, Investment Property Entities and Consolidation Proposals - 12/9/11
- National Real Estate Organizations' Letter to FASB Requesting the Alignment and Extension of the Comment Letter Deadlines for the Investment Property Entities, Investment Companies and Consolidation Proposed Accounting Standards Updates - 12/2/11
- Nareit Letter to FASB Requesting the Alignment and Extension of the Comment Letter Deadlines for the Investment Property Entities, Investment Companies and Consolidation Proposed Accounting Standards Updates - 12/1/11
- Nareit SFO Alert: FASB Issues Exposure Drafts on Investment Property Entities and Investment Companies - 10/24/11
- Nareit FirstBrief: FASB and IASB Tentatively Expand Scope Exception for Proposed Leases Standard to All Investment Property - 10/20/11
- Nareit SFO Alert: FASB Tentatively Decides to Eliminate Straight-Line Rent Accounting for Investment Properties Reported at Fair Value - 8/30/11
- Nareit SFO Report: FASB/IASB Decisions from the July 2011 Joint Meetings - 8/11/11
- Nareit SFO Alert: FASB Issues Proposed Accounting Standards Update That Would Require the Standards for Accounting for Sales of Real Estate Be Applied to the Deconsolidation of In Substance Real Estate - 7/28/11
- Nareit SFO Alert: FASB/IASB Confirm that Lessors of Investment Property Reported at Fair Value Would Be Scoped Out of Leases Standard - 7/21/11
- Nareit SFO Alert: FASB's Fair Value Measurement and Investment Properties Projects - 5/17/11
- Nareit and its Global Partner REESA Submit Comment Letter to the IASB and FASB on the FASB's Investment Property Project - 3/14/11
- Letter from Investors and Property Sector Analysts to FASB and IASB on International Accounting Standard No. 40, Investment Property (IAS 40) - 11/5/10
- Nareit SFO Alert: Nareit Seeks Member Input on FASB Tentative Decision to Require Reporting Investment Property at Fair Value - 7/30/10
- Nareit SFO Report: FASB Leans toward Requiring Fair Value Reporting for Investment Property - 7/28/10
- Nareit SFO Report: FASB Initiates Project to Examine Reporting Investment Property at Fair Value - 5/14/10
- Nareit FirstBrief: FASB Adds Fair Value Reporting of Investment Property to its Agenda - 3/4/10
- Nareit Submits Letter to FASB Clarifying the Integration of Lease Revenue in the Valuations of Investment Property - 2/17/10
- Nareit SFO Report: FASB Considers Adding Fair Value Reporting of Investment Property to its Agenda - 1/29/10
- Nareit FirstBrief: FASB to Explore Providing Fair Value or Cost Reporting Option - 1/21/10
- Nareit SFO Report: Nareit Participates on EITF Investment Companies Working Group - 12/23/09
- Nareit/REESA Submit Letter to the IASB/FASB in Response to the Staff's Recommendations on Accounting for Leases by Lessors of Investment Property - 12/11/09
- Nareit and its REESA Global Partners Submit Comments on the IASB's Fair Value Measurement Proposal - 9/24/09
Reporting Discontinued Operations
Nareit initiated a request that the FASB modify FAS 144 to resolve the requirement for the industry to report the disposition of individual or relatively small groups of properties as discontinued operations. The FASB and IASB have agreed on a modified definition of discontinued operations that provides the opportunity to resolve this reporting issue.
- Nareit SFO Alert: Presentation Requirements for Recently Issued Reporting Discontinued Operations Standard - 7/24/14
- Nareit SFO Report: Standard Setting Update - Spring 2014 – 4/24/14
- Nareit SFO Alert: FASB Issues Highly Anticipated Discontinued Operations Standard – 4/11/14
- Nareit SFO Alert: FASB Moves Toward Issuance of a Final Reporting Discontinued Operations Standard - 11/19/13
- Nareit SFO Report: Accounting and Financial Standards Update Fall 2013 – 9/27/13
- Nareit letter to the Financial Accounting Standards Board in response to the Proposed Accounting Standards Update on Reporting Discontinued Operations - 8/16/13
- Nareit SFO Alert: FASB issues its proposal that would narrow the definition of a discontinued operation- 4/5/13
- Nareit SFO Alert: FASB Proposal to Modify Guidance for Reporting Discontinued Operations would Eliminate Many Discontinued Operations Reported by Nareit Member Companies - 12/13/12
- Nareit SFO Report: Summer 2012 Accounting and Financial Standards Update - 6/25/12
- Nareit Letter to the FASB Requesting the Issuance of an Exposure Draft on Amendments to Discontinued Operations Guidance - 11/1/11
- Nareit SFO Report: FASB/IASB Conclude on Converged Discontinued Operations Definition and Disclosures - 12/23/09
- Nareit SFO Report: FASB/IASB to Discuss Staff Recommendations for Reporting Discontinued Operations - 12/8/09
- Nareit Policy Report: FASB/IASB Reach Tentative Decisions on Global Convergence Projects - 11/10/09
- March 2009 Financial Standards Update
- Nareit Comment Letter to IASB Regarding Proposed Amendments to IFRS 5, Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations, Submitted on Behalf of the Real Estate Equity Securitization Alliance - 1/23/09
- December 2008 Financial Standards Update
- October 2008 Financial Standards Alert: FASB and IASB Propose Converged Definition of Discontinued Operations
- May 2007 Financial Standards Update
- November 2006 Letter to FASB
- July 2006 Letter to FASB
Financial Standards Updates 
Financial Standards Updates, SFO Reports and Policy Reports
- Nareit SFO Report: Transparency in Labeling FFO - Summer 2015 - 7/13/15
- Nareit SFO Report: Standard Setting Update - Spring 2014 - 4/24/2014
- Nareit SFO Report: Accounting and Financial Standards Update Fall 2013 – 9/27/13
- Nareit SFO Report: Accounting and Financial Standards Update Spring 2013– 4/12/13
- Nareit SFO Report: FASB Abandons Entity-Based Approach to Investment Property - 8/10/12
- Nareit SFO Report: Standard Setting Update: FASB/IASB Decisions from the July 2012 Joint Meetings - 8/1/12
- Nareit SFO Report: Summer 2012 Accounting and Financial Standards Update - 6/25/12
- Nareit SFO Report: Winter 2012 Accounting & Financial Standards Update - 2/27/12
- Nareit SFO Report: FASB Issues Proposed Amendments to Consolidation Guidance - 11/11/11
- Nareit SFO Report: FASB/IASB Decisions from the July 2011 Joint Meetings - 8/11/11
- Nareit SFO Report: FASB and IASB Do an About-Face on the Leases Project - 6/27/2011
- Nareit SFO Report: Nareit Comments on FASB/IASB Lease Exposure Draft and Meets with the FASB - 1/24/2011
- Nareit SFO Report: Standard Setters Alter Work Plan Toward Convergence - 7/28/10
- Nareit SFO Report: Nareit Urges Member Participation in Upcoming FASB/IASB Exposure Drafts - 5/14/10
- Nareit SFO Report: FASB Considers Adding Fair Value Reporting of Investment Property to its Agenda - 1/29/10
- Nareit SFO Report: FASB/IASB Conclude on Converged Discontinued Operations Definition and Disclosures - 12/23/09
- Nareit SFO Report: FASB/IASB to Focus on Alternative Accounting for Leases by Lessors of Investment Property - 12/8/09
- Nareit Policy Report: FASB/IASB Tentative Conclusions - 11/10/09
- Nareit SFO Report: SEC to Focus on Decision to Adopt IFRS in the U.S. - 10/29/09
Best Practice Disclosures
- National Policy Bulletin: FFO White Paper Disclosures - 04/26/01
- National Policy Bulletin: Disclosing Taxable Income and Income Taxes - 10/25/01
- National Policy Bulletin: Joint Ventures Reported on the Equity Method - 05/20/02
National Policy Bulletin Archive
- National Policy Bulletin: FFO White Paper Disclosures - 04/26/01
- National Policy Bulletin: Disclosing Taxable Income and Income Taxes - 10/25/01
- National Policy Bulletin: Joint Ventures Reported on the Equity Method - 05/20/02
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