REITs invest in the majority of real estate property types, including offices, apartment buildings, warehouses, retail centers, medical facilities, data centers, cell towers and hotels.
The REIT Industry Sustainability Report 2024 includes industry trends, REIT sustainability reporting data and analysis, as well as useful information on the publicly traded U.S. REIT industry’s primary sustainability, social responsibility, and governance practices.
CEM Benchmarking’s 2024 study also reveals allocations, returns, volatility, and risk-adjusted performance of 12 asset classes over 25-year period.
As transactions increase, REITs are expected to be better-positioned than some of their competitors to make acquisitions and benefit from accretive growth.
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Presidential Advisory Panel Releases Report with Tax Reform Options - Some Options Offered of Interest to Real Estate and REITs
Recent Developments in California, Tennessee, DC and More
Accounting and Financial Standards Update Spring 2013
MTC "Pass-Through Entity" Statute Advances without REIT Dividends Paid Deduction (DPD) Disallowance
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NAREIT Comments on FASB/IASB Lease Exposure Draft and Meets with the FASB
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