09/26/2024 | by
Financial Standards for REITs

Nareit’s recent webinar, Financial Standards Update, focused on generative AI, its impact on the real estate industry, and key developments at the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Chris Drula, senior vice president of financial standards at Nareit, moderated the webinar, which featured Jana Borer, strategy & operations, Deloitte; John D’Angelo, managing director, Deloitte; Jordan DeDona, partner, EY; and David Gerstley, partner, PwC.

Borer and D’Angelo kicked off the webinar with a conversation about generative AI and how companies are using it in their businesses. The panelists then moved into a discussion about current and upcoming priorities for FASB, the PCAOB, and the SEC. DeDona talked about the FASB income statement disaggregation project, the segment reporting project, and their relevance to REITs and publicly traded real estate companies.

Gerstley followed with an update on both the SEC’s and PCAOB’s respective agendas. He explained the SEC’s rulemaking process and highlighted recent proposals and rules, including the status of the climate-related disclosures rule. Gerstley then covered recent SEC comment letter trends for the real estate industry. He closed with an update on the PCAOB’s proposed amendments to audit standards related to noncompliance with laws and regulations, and what they could mean for REITs.

This educational webinar was open to Nareit members, who were able to earn 1.5 hours of CPE credit.

The webinar recording is available on-demand for Nareit members logged into their member account.

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