Nareit and the New York Stock Exchange hosted the third annual REIT Investor Relations Symposium on June 3, a day before Nareit’s REITweek: 2019 Investor Conference.
The event, designed exclusively for IR professionals, included a number of expert panels.
The first session featured a discussion on the findings from Nareit’s recent study with RIvel Research Group. The study looked at the investment predispositions and expectations of generalist investors, and how REIT IR teams can better position their companies.
Steve Chuck, senior vice president at Rivel, noted that “generalists want the same thing from REITs as other companies…Consistent communication on an ongoing basis is key.” He recommended that when communicating to generalist investors about the benefits of adding REITs to their portfolio, REITs should focus on their growth, returns, and value-add benefits, rather than simply their REIT structure.
A second session highlighted recent research studies on important trends in investor communications across multiple industries.
Ted McHugh, executive vice president for financial communications and capital markets at Edelman, pointed out that investors are starting to care more about ESG and corporate culture issues. “ESG is becoming a bigger and bigger issue,” he said.
Bhakti Mirchandani, managing director of research at FCLT Global, noted that “effectively communicating long-term strategy can lower a company’s cost of capital and attract a longer-term investor base.”
The third session featured REIT CEOs discussing what they value from a successful IR program.
“If you’re a public company, it behooves you to tell your story,” said Mike Landy, president and CEO of Monmouth Real Estate Investment Corp. (NYSE: MNR).