Market Commentary Digital, Health Care Led in Q4 2024 Actively Managed Real Estate Fund Tracker Nareit tracks quarterly investment holdings for the largest actively managed real estate investment funds focusing on REIT investment for insights into expert investor sentiment. 03/11/2025 Image
Market Commentary REITs: An Accessible Way to Invest in Commercial Real Estate for a Broad Range of U.S. Families There is a high barrier to entry to invest directly in commercial property and most U.S. families do not invest in commercial property unless they have significant financial resources, according to data from the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF). 02/12/2025 Image
Market Commentary REIT Sharpe Ratios Closely Follow Sector Performance Trends Investors use Sharpe ratios as a simple measure of risk adjusted return or, put differently, return per unit of risk. 02/11/2025 Image
Industry News mREITs Offer Consistently High Dividend Yields Throughout Market Cycles Mortgage REITs (mREITs) provide financing for income-producing real estate by purchasing or originating mortgages and mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and earning income from the interest on these investments. 02/05/2025 Image
Market Commentary REITs Earn Top GRESB Scores, Led by Office Sector GRESB, the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark, has released its 2024 data on environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and good governance for real estate. 01/14/2025 Image
Market Commentary Actively Managed Real Estate Fund Tracker: 2024Q3 Nareit tracks quarterly investment holdings for the 26 largest actively managed real estate investment funds focusing on REIT investment for insights into expert investor sentiment. 11/17/2024 Image
Industry News Lower Interest Rates May Fuel Demand for Housing and Timber Timberland REITs specialize in owning timberlands, and through their taxable subsidiaries, harvesting and selling timber for lumber products. 10/03/2024 Shrink Expand
Market Commentary REITs Supported 3.5 Million Jobs in 2023 REITs supported an estimated 3.5 million fulltime equivalent jobs in the U.S. in 2023, producing $278 billion in labor income. 09/23/2024 Image
Market Commentary REITs Own 580,000 Properties in the U.S. At the end of 2023, U.S. public REITs owned an estimated 580,000 properties—up 1% from the previous year—and 15 million acres of timberland across the U.S. 09/20/2024 Image
Market Commentary Actively Managed Real Estate Fund Tracker: 2024Q2 In the second quarter of 2024, active managers increased allocations in the digital sectors and health care. 09/05/2024 Image
Mid-Year Report: Real Estate Active Managers Diversify Portfolios and Embrace Newer Property Sectors 07/11/2024
Market Commentary Actively Managed Real Estate Fund Tracker: 2024Q1 Nareit tracks quarterly investment holdings for the 27 largest actively managed real estate investment funds focusing on REIT investment for insight on expert investor sentiment. 06/10/2024 Image